Emmbrook School Relocation

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Save our School!... time to stand up and be counted

Residents of "the southern area" (Finchampstead and Barkham) should look here...

Stop Press...

Current Status :- Last Chapter Of The 1st Act

The initial consultation period has finished. We have handed the council a petition opposing the relocation of the Emmbrook Secondary school containing 1741 signatures. Frank Browne indicated during a radio interview on 31/10/2005 that 6,000 - 7,000 pieces of feedback had been received and would be processed during November. Other than that we do NOT know when the results are expected.


We are very pleased with the way the campaign has gone, it started from nothing, and gained momentum very quickly. We have produced a good number of robust arguments and have uncovered numerous fundamental flaws in many aspects of the council's plans. Many different parts of the community have been involved. Based upon our arguments and the poor responses from the council we believe that we should feel positive about the outcome of the initial consultation.


However, we still have the fundamental problem that the council see this as a "done deal" and we are concerned that they will fail to take notice of the feedback they have received. We have already found out that the council has secretly obtained access to £12 million of funding from the DfES for the specific purpose of relocating a secondary school. The money was applied for in the spring of 2005, several months before the public consultation was even launched.


For this reason we currently rate our chances of success at this stage as about 50/50. We must therefore prepare for the next part of the campaign. During the coming weeks we are going to dramatically increase the number of people directly involved with the campaign and to improve our organisation and infrastructure so that we can double and re-double our efforts. This time we have the advantage of being prepared. We have learnt the hard way that the council chooses to ignore questions rather than answer them. This has left us no choice but to ask the questions via the media. We have formed good links with the local papers, radio and television which will can build upon in the future. We will use the time between now and the publication of the consultation results wisely.


If the plans continue, we have the chance to fight every aspect of the plan on every front during the coming months and years. In addition we have the opportunity to appeal any decisions via scrutiny committees, the local government ombudsman and we can submit complaints about the conduct of individual councillors. The longer the battle the greater the chance that it will continue past the time when the council will be answerable via the ballot box.


02/11/2005 09:00

Today there was a news item published in the The Wokingham times. On page 5 there is a photograph and a half page story about our campaign, the delivery of our petition and the consultation period coming to a close. The item also discusses the £12 million of access to funding which has been obtained by the council from the DfES specifically for the relocation of a Wokingham Secondary School.

On the letters page there is a letter from Coling Lawley the leader of the liberal democrats at WDC. The letter regards the secrecy surrounding the £12 million funding and the refusal of Frank Browne to provide details.... even to elected councillors. 

12/10/2005 09:00

Today we had a further letter published in the The Wokingham times. The letter points out that the Council has not given any thoughts to the detail surrounding the proposed vocational college beyond a general desire to have one. We have asked basic questions such as how many students will the college cater for and what sort of courses will it offer and the council simply does not know the answers. The full letter can be read here

07/10/2005 17:45

The Rt Hon Mr John Redwood MP replied very swiftly to our email. Here is his reply: "I have made public my support for the school and my opposition to its closure. I have attended a Group meeting of Councillors to tell them of my support. Yours sincerely John Redwood". It has been added to his previous supportive comment which can be read here

07/10/2005 17:45

Following the publication of letters in both the Wokingham News and The Wokingham times this week we have emailed copies of the letter to all the district councillors, the council officers involved with education and also our local MPs the Rt Hon Mr John Redwood MP and the Rt Hon Andrew MacKay MP

06/10/2005 14:45

A further a letter was published in the Wokingham News  today. The letter highlights the damage that could be done to the delicate balance which holds the secondary school admissions process together. Year 6 parents need to select secondary schools for their children by the 21st of October. With uncertainty surrounding the future of the Emmbrook we are concerned that parents will move away from the Emmbrook to St Crispin's, The Holt and The Forest schools which are already very popular and often oversubscribed. The full letter can be read here

05/10/2005 13:30

Today we had a letter published in the The Wokingham times. The letter accuses the council of not looking at the "big picture". In particular it asks how can the council possibly have a coherent vision for the future provision of secondary education within Wokingham if you explicitly avoid counting and considering the location and quantity of new houses to be built in Wokingham? The full letter can be read here

05/08/2005 13:00

Council Planning Meeting

We have been informed by some Woosehill residents that there is a district council meeting this evening concerned with planning for in-fill housing in the area.

From what we can ascertain he meeting is at 07:30 in the upper hall of the town hall rather than Shute end.


21/07/2005 23:00

Council "loses" letter highlighting consultation process failings

On the 30th of June 2005 we sent Councillor Frank Browne a detailed 4 page letter by recorded delivery outlining our objections with the consultation process. This letter was signed for in Wokingham at 09:57 on 01/07/2005 as shown here So far I have received no reply or acknowledgement.

This evening, (during the public meeting with the primary school parents), when pressed on this matter, Councillor Browne stated that "he had not seen the letter". There is no nice way to put this...

  1. At best this is an example of incompetence within the council: A letter is sent to the head of the council, it is signed for and then goes missing.

  2. At worst this is an example of deliberate deceit: The letter has been seen and has been explicitly ignored.

Now it is lucky that we believe in happy coincidences.... The second page of our letter contained the following comment about poor communication: "Despite there being a link from the WDC website homepage to current consultations. This far reaching proposal is not listed". Some 36 hours after the letter failed to be received, the WDC homepage was updated and now contains a direct link to the consultation document.


19/07/2005 17:00

Online petition beginning to take off

The online petition was very slow to take off compared to the good old pen and paper ones. However, during the last week there has been a little more interest in the online petition and now more than sixty people "signed" it.

This is ideal for "other halves" who may not have been available when the paper petition did the rounds. It only takes a couple of mouse clicks! Remember all members in a household can sign!

15/07/2005 17:00

Emmbrook Junior Governing Body

Following the last meeting of the Emmbrook Junior School Governing body, the chair of governors wrote a letter to the council expressing concern about not being consulted about the proposals contained in the "vision" document. [Despite being a feeder school located 200m from the secondary school the governing body was not consulted about the proposals].

A meeting has been arranged between the council, (David Hawthorne (Corporate head of education) and John Goulborn (Schools capital advisor)) on Thursday 21st July at 08:30

It is understood that the Infant governing body has written a similar letter to the council.


14/07/2005 09:00

Please Round Up All Petition Forms

Could all petition coordinators do their best to hand in all completed/partially completed petition forms ASAP. We would like to have a count up prior to the meeting next week. The forms can either be dropped in to 62 Valley Crescent or you can contact us and we'll arrange collection. Alternatively you can see one of us at the school

13/07/2005 09:30

Wokingham Times Feature From Frank Browne

On page 4 of this weeks Wokingham Times there is a feature from Councillor Frank Browne about the "Vision". It contains nothing new and contains no detail about how the vision might be achieved. On the positive side at least the consultation is being publicised.


12/07/2005 15:30

Support from Town Councillor

We had a nice phone call from Town Councillor Barbara Bench (conservative Emmbrook South). She has already written to the district council criticising their plans


12/07/2005 07:30

Wokingham Town Councillors Contacted.

All Wokingham Town Councillors, (not previously contacted) have been contacted and notified about the existence of this campaign. Pleading ignorance is not an option. Details of Wokingham Town Council can be found here


10/07/2005 14:30

District Councillors from the "Southern Area" Comments Requested

The 5 district councillors representing Finchampstead and Barkham have been requested for their view on the proposals. Once obtained they will be published on this page


10/07/2005 11:30

Emmbrook District Councillor has NOT made her views known

Despite requesting comments from Councillor Debbie Lewis a week ago she has not replied. Maybe you should Email her and see where she stands on this matter. After all Emmbrook residents elected her!


10/07/2005 11:00

Comment received from the Right Honourable Andrew MacKay MP

I have received comments from Andrew MacKay MP (MP for Bracknell and bits of Finchampstead). You can read them here


10/07/2005 11:00

Active support from the JPRA

The Joel Park Residents' association, (JPRA) has a full page item regarding the closure of The Emmbrook Senior School in the July Edition of their newsletter.  They are critical of the consultation process and suggest that members join forces with this campaign and write to the council.


09/07/2005 12:00

Information for residents of Finchampstead and Barkham

We have added a page containing questions about the "vision" which the residents of Finchampstead and/or Barkham should ask themselves and also ultimately ask their elected councillors.


09/07/2005 09:00

An interesting quote to start the weekend.....

"We have also given very careful consideration to the possibility of relocating Emmbrook. As Members are aware, the catchment area of this school is split into two separate parts, one in Wokingham and the other in Finchampstead. We have examined thoroughly all aspects of this proposal, including the impact on the communities in both areas. We have taken account of matters such as transport and congestion and we have listened carefully to arguments for and against the proposal. As a result we have decided that the needs of the two communities and of the District as a whole would not be best served by relocating Emmbrook School to Finchampstead. We will, however, ensure that the refurbishment and upgrading of facilities in the present buildings are a priority in our future plans."

Now who is this quote from?

  1. A disgruntled parent?

  2. One of our supporters?

  3. The leader of Wokingham district council in the minutes of the meeting held on 27th of November 2003?

I think you can guess the answer!

The real question is just how much council tax payer's money is going to be spent on contradictory visions, studies and surveys before as much as a lick of paint is applied to any of the secondary schools in Wokingham?

Only last week we saw £90,000 of council tax payer's money being allocated to a further survey of MOST of the secondary schools within Wokingham.... apart from the Emmbrook Secondary School.... since it is "being considered for relocation" Funny! I thought we were still in the initial stage of consultation on that one?


08/07/2005 14:00

First information requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 begins to arrive

We have requested a large amount of information from the council under the Freedom of information act 2000. Some of this has started to arrive. For example we now know the amount of maintenance work outstanding on each secondary school in Wokingham. We will continue to request such information. Ultimately, we are doing the job of the council... where possible the facts which are totally absent from the "consultation" document will be tracked down and analysed.


08/07/2005 11:00

Petition signatures pass the 1,000 mark

At the beginning of the week the number of signatures on the paper petitions exceeded the 1,000 mark. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg since many petition coordinators have yet to hand their completed forms back in. In addition the local shops have many forms awaiting collection. Response has been very positive with only a handful of people preferring not to sign. Analysis of the forms shows that many "other halves" have not signed the forms. If it is more convenient for them to do so they can sign the online petition here


08/07/2005 08:00

40th Anniversary Joint School Production

Anyone, (particularly councillors) who has any doubts as to why the package of schools in Emmbrook should be left alone should go and see the 40th Anniversary production, (there is a production for "dignitaries" next Thursday at 1:15 pm)  This is a true example of school excellence. This is a collaborative production with the senior school, (years 7 to 10) providing the drama and the junior school (years 3 to 6) providing the choir. The benefits of these direct projects between the junior and secondary school cannot be underestimated. The quality of the production, together with the abilities and behaviour of the pupils involved is outstanding. A big WELL DONE! to all pupils and staff involved at both schools.


07/07/2005 09:00

Story in the Wokingham News

Further positive press coverage, this time in the Wokingham News (page 5). "Protesters mobilise over plan to move school to a new site". There is a link to a previous story below.

School Could Make Way For New College


06/07/2005 18:55

Wokingham District Council Previously Defeated Over Secondary School Re-location

Wokingham district council has previously tried to relocate an existing secondary school to the Finchampstead area and lost! The following news items from Wokingham times gives a little background:-



This just goes to show what can be achieved when one stands up to be counted!


06/07/2005 13:20

Additional Radio coverage

Sarah called in to the Andrew Peach show and was able to discuss the subject of the closure of the current Emmbrook secondary school with Andrew. She pointed out further failings in the consultation process and how it had be done at the end of the school year. In direct contradiction to the impression Councillor Browne gave on air earlier this morning she pointed out exactly how few people had actually been made aware of the proposals... She went on to say that sending brochures home in pupil's school bags is notoriously unreliable. Something anyone with children soon learns. Andrew Peach recommended to keep on campaigning, Wokingham District Councils have made U turns in the past when faced with stiff opposition.


06/07/2005 12:20

Further Wokingham Times Coverage

This weeks Wokingham times has further coverage of our campaign.

Page 5 has an item about home the consultation period has been extended and how the uncertainty is disrupting to both pupils and worried parents. The is a further link to this website

The letters extra section on page 8 has a letter from John Downey highlighting how the consultation process is flawed. He calls the process undemocratic and points out that it does not include the wider Wokingham population who are likely to end up picking up the tab for the £100 million plan and see the school catchment areas for the whole of Wokingham changed.


06/07/2005 11:00

Phone in with Frank Browne on BBC Radio Berkshire this morning

This morning Councillor Frank Browne finally graced the Andrew Peach show with his presence after having stood them up yesterday morning. Councillor Browne briefly outline the spin from the "A future for learning" document. He then faced the following the following callers/questions:-

  1. A caller from Finchampstead with children at a local junior school said that he had explicitly moved to Finchampstead knowing that there were no local secondary schools in the area and that the current arrangement with buses worked fine. A School nearby but not within easy walking distance was likely to cause more disruption and cost. Frank Browne commented that currently 400 pupils are bussed in from Finchampstead through the centre of Wokingham which is already busy. The caller replied, but surely with the school population at 1,100 that would result in 700 pupils being bussed the other way. Councillor Browne replied that this would be a temporary situation and once all the catchment areas in Wokingham were changed pupils local to Emmbrook would attend the other secondary schools in central Wokingham, (St Crispins, The Holt and Forest). [editors comment: Since these schools are already well over subscribed, some parents who currently are in the catchment for these schools will be displaced]

  2. Sanjay called in from Wokingham and complained about the consultation process and said that it was inadequate and poorly managed

  3. A letter from year 9 pupil was read out. The pupil had a petition with 15 signatures removed from him and ripped up by a teacher. Despite the school issuing UNICEF leaflets which define the rights of children including the right to be consulted about decisions which apply to them

  4. A letter was read out from Josie. She is currently a junior school pupil. She was looking forward to going to the secondary school with her friend but is now scared about the future.

  5. Sean asked "Surely if the vision is about improving the provision of education within Wokingham, why not target the worst performing school in the district for a re-location and re-launch? The Emmbrook is a good performing school. Andrew Peach asked Sean how it affected him and if he was happy with the consultation process. Sean replied that he had always assumed the his children would follow the default route between the three Emmbrook schools together with the majority of their friends. Sean went on to say that the consultation process was abysmal, he went on to compare the process with that for the grass field opposite the school. The council consulted about changes regarding the way the field is mowed. It is now allowed to grow wild. The consultation process for this single field was extensive compared to the process for this vision which affects each and every parent, pupil and council tax payer in the district. Sean was asked about working as a Governor within the school and he replied that he could see that links between the school were going from strength to strength thanks to the efforts of the two head teachers. In fact tonight is the first performance of a joint production celebrating 40 years of combined excellence for the Emmbrook schools."

Andrew Peach questioned Councillor Browne along the lines of "if it is a good performing school why change it?". The answers were evasive. Andrew Peach also was sceptical about the councils record on public consultation.

I hope to obtain an accurate transcript of the radio programme from the BBC and providing I can obtain permission it will be published here


05/07/2005 16:00

Diary Dates page added

I have added a "dates for your diary" page here The page is a little sparse at the moment and one of the dates needs confirming.

05/07/2005 13:31

Wokingham News Interview

We have just given quite a detailed interview to the Wokingham News.

05/07/2005 12:31

BBC Radio Berkshire Stood up by Frank Browne

The leader of Wokingham council, Frank Browne was scheduled to take part in a BBC Radio Berkshire Radio programme this morning, (The Andrew Peach Programme 09:00 to 12:30). Unfortunately, Councillor Browne could not be reached by the BBC. It is possible that the interview will take place tomorrow morning. We were prepared for the phone in, and had emailed questions in. While it is frustrating to be stood up in this manner, it simply gives us more time to take on board the many new arguments obtained at the meeting last evening.

05/07/2005 11:00

Successful open public meeting

Last evening saw a successful meeting held in the infant school hall. This was run as an "open" meeting: all parties and all views were welcome. More than 60 people attended the meeting despite very short notice. This included many new faces and represented, parents, residents, the residents associations and local businesses. Sean Moore and John Downey chaired the meeting and asked if there was anybody there in favour of the relocation. There was no one. Full meeting minutes will be published here. In the meantime there were two main threads to the meeting:-


Request to enlarge the core group of the campaign and to get more help on board


Request to capture as many objections and arguments as possible from the audience

Both these objectives were achieved. There were offers of help and the use of resources. Many pages of new arguments and objections were obtained. I felt that for the number of people present, the meeting was very constructive, patient and creative.

The arguments and objections will be used to provide a cohesive, robust argument to the council at the forthcoming council run public meeting 


04/07/2005 17:00

Further feedback from the Council Executive meeting 30/06/2005

The minutes of the meeting can be found here (there is a PDF link at the bottom for minutes)

15-20 people attended the meeting. This was very impressive considering we were unable to give them more than a few hours notice. The vision document was discussed in the main council meeting. As part of the vision £90,000 was requested in order to complete survey work to see which secondary schools should receive funding for maintenance / redevelopment.  The Emmbrook Secondary School is NOT being considering for funding because of the plan to relocate the school, (funny I thought we were being consulted about this?)

Following this agenda item, our supporters left the main meeting and an impromptu meeting convened in the corridor between our supports and the our three local councillors. It would appear that the local Emmbrook councillors are beginning to support our campaign


04/07/2005 15:00

Mr Philip Mirfin (local councillor for Emmbrook) has allowed his views to be published

"As an elected representative for Emmbrook Ward l will take into account all views before l jump to any conclusions, l would add though that l will look at this in its wider context and reflect on future as well as immediate needs"

Which Mr Mirfin followed up with

"I would re-iterate, that l will make my judgement when l have heard all the facts and comments from all parties involved in the proposed changes, following as wide a consultancy with all parties as can be achieved."

04/07/2005 13:00

Meeting tonight

There will be a public meeting (open to all parties with all views) tonight the 4th of July 2005 in the Emmbrook Infant school Hall at 7pm (do not worry if you cannot make it until later). This meeting is arranged by us and not the school. HERE IS THE AGENDA. Basically we want to expand the core team at the centre of the campaign and to focus on the arguments to be presented at the public meeting to be held by the council. This is your chance to put your views to us.

BBC Radio Berkshire (Tomorrow Tuesday 5th July 2005 09.00 - 12.30).

Listen out for the Andrew Peach Show

Radio Berkshire, 104.1FM, 104.4FM, 95.4FM, 94.6FM and DAB Digital Radio

Listen live on line:      http://www.bbc.co.uk/england/radioberkshire/

Thanks to to three concerned parents and residents who ‘phoned into the Andrew Peach Show on Radio Berkshire on Friday. As a result of their timely calls, the radio station has invited Frank Browne to answer their concerns.  He will be live in the Studio to talk to them on the ‘phone.  We are not sure if he will be taking other calls too but it will definitely be worth listening to!  Have your questions at the ready, just in case.  And think about how he might answer so you can get a follow-on in.


02/07/2005 05:00

A quick update


The council meeting on Thursday evening was well attended. We now appear to have the support of all three local Emmbrook councillors (More news to follow when I have all the facts)


Council Meeting Tomorrow Evening Please Be There!

Contrary to our earlier posting.

Thursday 30th June 2005, There is a meeting of "The Wokingham district Council's decision making executive to discuss the council's vision for education. The meeting is at 7pm at the council Shute end offices.

We would now like as many people to attend as possible. We will not be able to speak at the meeting. There may be many other items on the agenda and the meeting might last 3 -3.5 hours. However, we believe that it is vitally important for as many people to turn up as possible.

30/06/2005 10:00

Emmbrook Councillor Mrs UllaKarin Clark makes her views clear

"As an Emmbrook Councillor I am not in favour of the secondary school being moved elsewhere. It is important to me and my fellow councillors in Emmbrook that people are being given an opportunity to comment on the future of the secondary education in Emmbrook and we are in the process of arranging a public meeting. We hope this meeting will take place before the school holidays."

29/06/2005 18:20

Mr John Redwood (Conservative MP for Wokingham) has made his position clear to one of our supporters

"Dear Mr G.,

I am against both the closure of Emmbrook and the building of a new school in Barkham (wrongly called Finchampstead). I have told Councillors this on many occasions. Unfortunately they have the power of decision, not me. I will continue to oppose this expensive and undesirable scheme.

Yours sincerely

John Redwood."

29/06/2005 13:15

Every elected councillor within Wokingham District Council has been emailed to formally notify them of the existence of this campaign and our opposition to the relocation of The Emmbrook Secondary School. Those without E-mail have been faxed.


29/06/2005 12:00

I have contacted Councillor Frank Brown via Email to inform him that the council's consultation process as defined in the document "A future for learning" is an example of bad practise and is non-inclusive. In particular I have highlighted these areas as inadequate:-

  1.  Inadequate communication

  2. Complete lack of fundamental material facts

  3. Failure to identify alternative proposals

  4. No factual justification for the proposal presented

  5. Duration of the consultation period

  6. Publicly defined acceptance / modification / rejection criteria

The full letter is available here

29/06/2005 09:15

Yesterday was "Blue touch paper" day.

Our campaign seems to have really taken off yesterday. All aspects of the campaign appear to be reaching critical mass. The number of supportive emails received has increased dramatically. Web traffic for the last 4 days respectively has been 24, 28, 70, 100 unique visitors. We believe that we have petition coordinators for every street in Emmbrook, (More volunteers always welcome). We are now moving on to Woosehill and the catchment areas for the other primary schools in Wokingham which are feeder schools for The Emmbrook Secondary school. In technical terms the campaign is now becoming "viral and distributed".

29/06/2005 09:00

The paper petition signing is going well. To the best of my knowledge no one has said no to signing or acting as a coordinator for collecting signatures in their area. The local shops are doing particularly well.

29/06/2005 08:30

Wokingham Times

We have made page 7 of The Wokingham times with a story entitled "Emmbrook parents plan fight against school move Anger: dozens turn up at meeting" Why not buy a copy today from one of the local Emmbrook shops and you can sign the petition if you haven't done so

29/06/2005 07:30

What do our representatives think?

We had a very interesting E-mail last evening from one of our supports. He had been in contact with the local MP John Redwood and the three Emmbrook councillors: Debbie Lewis, Mrs UllaKarin Clark and Mr Philip Mirfin I hope to reproduce their comments in full on this site shortly. Meanwhile it is fair to say that their views are:-


Mr John Redwood is completely against the closure of The Emmbrook school and always has been


Mr Philip Mirfin is sitting on the fence


Mrs UllaKarin Clark is sitting on the fence Mrs UllaKarin Clark has made it clear that she supports the Emmbrook staying put


Mrs Debbie Lewis seems slightly more open minded and offered to arrange a meeting with our support

I will shortly be adding links here to make it a single click to let our representatives know how we feel

Click here for Previous News items.....



We can be contacted via emmbrookrelocation@hotmail.co.uk